Sunday, May 8, 2011

Be Still

I'm consistently learning that I have a hard time focusing.

There's always something I should or could be doing and it's never all done. It's exhausting just thinking about it.

But I'm learning to ask God to calm the storm within me. As the Creator of the universe, I'm certain He can handle the small cyclone that's constantly buzzing in my head. It's just a matter of me letting Him.

My Prayer of Quiet:

When I come before You, my mind races and fills any quiet space with some kind of clutter or noise. I struggle to focus in any way. My line of thought is completely out of my control. But You are the God who quiets storms and calms seas. You are the Master who created the universe with only the sound of Your voice. Conquer also within me the raging storm of thoughts that I cannot quiet myself. Take hold of my mind and spirit and bring me face to face with You. No distractions, just me and You and all the Good of You.

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