Friday, May 13, 2011

Creation as our witness

The other day I found myself in a discussion regarding religion and the legitimacy of having faith. The topic revolved around the idea that religion may just be a human need to think there is something more out there because we don't want to be alone. This is a question I asked myself as well when I was going through all of my doubt and questioning.

But I think as humans we have a tendency to see only the small world around us. We zoom in so close to our personal life that it seems there's nothing very significant about it. It becomes the ins and outs of our days and nothing more.

However, what if we take a step back and observe from a new point of view? What if we imagine all the inner working and networking that goes on in the entire universe to keep it all together and functioning?

For example, picture an entire year on Earth alone. Take yourself out of the picture... take all humans out of the picture. Imagine all that goes on within one year on our planet. Picture it playing out like in a time-lapsed video.

The earth revolves hundreds of times and tilts this way and that to give it seasons.
The sun rises and falls, giving meaning to day.
The moon orbits the world, exposing darkness.
Flowers, trees, and plants fade away only to open up in new life again.
Animals reproduce, passing on their genetic code.
Birds migrate, some mammals hibernate.
Tides swell in and out.
The ground shakes, plates shift under the enormous pressure of Earth, mountains rise majestically.
Water evaporates only to produce rainclouds again, which provide life once more with its greatest asset.
Wind blows from unknown sources, taking weather here and there.
The tiniest microbe of life to the largest creature in the sea all buzz with existence and purpose.

It is a great orchestra playing out before us. Inhaling and exhaling, life abounds. And this is on our world alone. The heavens express silently the same purposes we witness on our Earth, but in far greater magnitude. This is all without human interaction.

Throw in our race of creatures that have the ability to ponder all these things. They observe, they question, they awe, they wonder, they even argue about what is going on. How do these creatures understand this amazing epic that plays out before them year after year, day after day?

Don't you find it interesting that of all the creations I named above, not one of them has the ability to question their purpose? The moon doesn't ask why it circles the Earth. Plants don't question their live-and-die-and-revive cycle. Even the smartest animals don't wonder why it gets dark at night or why they have to hunt for their food.

The only living thing on this Earth that questions its existence is the human race.

Does it have to be shouted to be understood?
And not in a way that this world can explain.

There is no way to explain how the human mind, or soul, or inner being, has become more than that of other creatures on this Earth. Nothing in the world can provide the explanation for this miracle.

We simply must accept that we are different in ways beyond measure. And yet we doubt that any of this springs forth from a source of divine understanding and knowledge.

We are so involved in doubting that we cannot hear the whole Earth SCREAM to us "CREATOR!"

This place we live in is a beautiful masterpiece! An incomparable creation. Human thought cannot begin to grasp the whole of it. We are incapable of appreciating it to its fullest extent.

And yet, with all this world offers, we are insanely unaware that WE-- the human race-- are the most interesting aspect in the entire realm of creation. Isn't it obvious that our purpose reaches far beyond that of any other living thing? We are special in ways we cannot even begin to understand.

And the ONLY explanation for this that has presented itself to us is the idea that we were created in the image of a greater Mind. The Source of all life. The Imagination that spilled forth creation.

We were passed down an inheritance that is of far greater value than any Earthly possession and we cannot even quiet ourselves long enough to accept it. Instead, we constantly aim to make our personal lives the center of the universe, neglecting our greatest and truest purpose.

Life is not about religion. Religion is man made.

Belief is immeasurably beyond traditions or a set of rules.

It IS our purpose. To believe and WORSHIP.

We are given only two options to believe in:

1. The universe in its entirety is the GREATEST fluke of all time. It is the biggest accident in all of history, even before history began. It is the most profound impossibility to ever come to be.


2. The universe in its entirety came into existence because a divine Being chose to make it so. And He didn't simply create it so that it passed all the requirements of existence. He created it in a way that far exceeds the need to be. More variety and numbers than were necessary.

There is no in between. We cannot sit in the middle of these two options, it just isn't possible.

If we choose the first option, it is a very hopeless existence indeed. No reason, no purpose, no will.

If we choose the second option, we must try to grasp the enormity of this claim and act accordingly. It is no longer about us and our pitiful selfishness. It is about returning to our Creator the glory, and honor, and praise, and worship that He so fully deserves.

All other pursuits fade away...

In this second choice is the greatest hope ever offered to man. And I wish, SO MUCH, that we as a people could accept that this life is not a meaningless walk of choices, but instead holds all the weight the universe has ever seen.

We are a chosen people, and the God who chooses also LOVES. And that is a topic that would be better suited to discuss in an entirely different entry.

"The Lord merely spoke and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born. He assigned the sea its boundaries and locked the oceans in vast reservoirs. Let the whole world fear the Lord and let everyone stand in awe of Him. For when He spoke, the world began! It appeared at His command." Psalm 33: 6-9

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