Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Morning Wake Up Call

I have been doing my very best to have a quiet time every day and I really like to have them in the morning. It makes me feel as though I'm starting my day the best way possible and I also like the quiet in my house before anyone else is awake.

Problem is, I'm not really a morning person. My body just won't wake up when I want it to every time.

But if there's one thing I learned this morning, it's that God can overcome even my need for sleep.

Yesterday I prayed for God to wake me up early, no matter what it took. Shout my name if He had to, so that I could get up early and worship Him without any distractions. Let me be alone in His presence for a little while.

I was worried I wouldn't be able to wake up because we stayed up really late, but this morning before 7, my eyes just came open. I was thinking to myself, "Okay, Ashley, He's calling you, get your body out of bed," but against my will, my eyes started to shut again.

A few minutes later, I was awakened again, not by a small whisper this time, but by the morning Reveille blaring through our window. Funny thing is, it plays every morning and I almost never hear it. I always sleep right through it.

It was as if my Instructor was saying, "WAKE UP SOLDIER! SLEEPY TIME IS OVER! YOU'VE GOT WORK TO DO!"

Hahaha. It just made me chuckle. I rolled out of bed and got to work... fixed my coffee and kneeled before Him.

But that's not all. As I sat reading through my Bible study this morning, I was lead to Isaiah 6, where Isaiah describes his vision of God on His throne. He talks about the seraphim, shouting praises to the Lord, and lo' and behold, their praises fell right into the theme of my morning with God:

"They were calling out to each other, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Heaven's Armies! The whole earth is filled with His glory!" Isaiah 6:3

Ohhhh, goodness, God is all so good! I felt drawn in and special this morning. My Father was pulling me close to Him and opening my eyes to my place in His will.

So far this week, I've learned that just like my physical senses, my spiritual senses have to be used and put to work in order to function properly. I have to practice with them in order to learn how to use them.

I'm not nearly where I want to be in my ability to hear God's voice and understand when He is speaking to me, but my small issues that were answered this week give me so much hope and anticipation for the future. I can't wait to see where my training will lead! This soldier is ready for boot camp!

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